Assessment and Evaluation
On-site observation of classroom(s)
Our mental health clinician, pediatric occupational therapist, and pediatric speech and language pathologist observe the classroom in action, completing an assessment rubric to determine how well the overall environment is meeting the developmental needs of children.
Debrief meeting
The SDC team meets with the teachers and directors to discuss the report, answering any and all questions.
Evaluation Report
Based on the on-site observation and results of the assessment rubric, the school will receive a detailed report highlighting the strengths and areas for improvement regarding its capacity to support sensory and motor development, speech and language skills, and social-emotional growth throughout its program and curriculum.
Optional: Support implementing reccomendations
If there is a recommendation in the plan that the school would like some additional support in implementing, they can request one of the professionals return on-site to facilitate the change.
Implementation Plan
Included in the report, is a comprehensive implementation plan. The plan has concrete recommendations for how the environment can better meet the sensory and motor, speech and language, and social-emotional needs of the children in care.